Just watched " Toy Story 3 " in 3D. The storyline was fantastic, it was funny and entertaining , for my personal opinion, it was better than the previous version. Unfortunately, i think i shall not be a spoiler and spoil the mood for those who unseen but i can assure you that it's worth to watch. However, the 3D effect was kind of disappointing as due to i don't really feel much 3D effect on it, maybe just my personal thought.
The 3D glasses which i wore while watching the 3D movie. Still, the lens of those glasses have some dirts which make the lens not very clear. I have to take it down the glasses multiple times and use part of the cloth from my T-shirt to clean the lens.
My niece ! haha. :) She's cute right?
I cant believe i bought this junks for Rm 11.90 . -.- ll
Well, i have put a trailor of Toy Story 3. Hope you all enjoy it . :)