Eriku’s World

Technologies , Foods and My General Life

Just watched " Toy Story 3 " in 3D. The storyline was fantastic, it was funny and entertaining , for my personal opinion, it was better than the previous version. Unfortunately, i think i shall not be a spoiler and spoil the mood for those who unseen but i can assure you that it's worth to watch. However,  the 3D effect was kind of disappointing as due to i don't really feel much 3D effect on it, maybe just my personal thought.
The 3D glasses which i wore while watching the 3D movie. Still, the lens of those glasses have some dirts which make the lens not very clear. I have to take it down the glasses multiple times and use part of the cloth from my T-shirt to clean the lens.

My niece ! haha. :) She's cute right?

I cant believe i bought this junks for Rm 11.90 . -.- ll
Well, i have put a  trailor of Toy Story 3. Hope you all enjoy it . :)

Lately, after moving into a new place with a new college ,i had been meeting a lot of new people with different type of attitude and so on, i really enjoy about it. However, so coincidently there's 2 person called " Jason" but just the english name Jason still ok because that name was kind of common nowadays, but they got same surname too !! Although the spelling of the surname was different but the pronunciation were SAME ! It makes me frustrated whenever i call 1 of them , both of them will reply me and stare at me. -.-ll The worst is , i dunno their chinese name and my memory was quite bad ( Old already, cant be blame) so sometimes i really felt that i wanna change their name to something else which was more easy to call and also to be remember.

*Yo, both of the Jason, don't feel offence man ! This was all just a dream and unreal. * :)

LOL !!

As Steve Job proudly walk to the stage to show off their latest company's product " Iphone 4". Unfortunately,  when it comes to wowing audiences during product demos, but even Steve Job's  famous reality-distortion field couldn't protect him from an embarrassing Wi-Fi snafu during the big WWDC keynote Monday. 

After about 20-30 minute, when Steve Job's speech finally reached the climax , the Wifi Network that Steve used to show off the ability of Safari browser in the Iphone 4's revamped screen conked out and Steve show the audience with his little red face and also a giant blank Web Page ! How unfortunate is it >.< ll 

Hope you enjoy the video ! ~ 

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Miracle White World
